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Navigating the Emotional Landscape of Cosmetic Surgery

October 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM
by Wings Wellness
blog navigating the emotional landscape of cosmetic surgery.png

Understanding the "Plastic Surgery Blues"

The "Plastic Surgery Blues" is a term used to describe the emotional and psychological challenges that can accompany cosmetic surgery. While these procedures aim to enhance physical appearance, they may not immediately address underlying emotional issues. This can lead to a range of emotions, including anxiety, depression, and unrealistic expectations.

Statistics and Prevalence

The "Plastic Surgery Blues" is more common than you might think. According to studies, up to 15% of cosmetic surgery patients experience some form of post-operative depression or regret (Aesthetic Surgery Journal, November 2022). The reasons for these emotional challenges can vary, including unmet expectations, social pressures, or personal insecurities.

Resource: Cosmetic Surgery Readiness Assessment

To help individuals contemplating cosmetic surgery gain better insights into their readiness and expectations, consider taking the [Cosmetic Surgery Readiness Assessment] ( by ReadyMind. This questionnaire can be a useful tool for both self-reflection and preparation. It assesses whether potential cosmetic surgery patients are ready by analyzing the following areas:

- Realistic Expectations: The questionnaire prompts you to consider your motivations, expectations, and understanding of the surgery's outcomes. It can help you set realistic goals and anticipate potential emotional challenges.

- Emotional Preparedness: By assessing your emotional readiness, you can identify any concerns or anxieties you may have about the surgery. This self-awareness can be invaluable for your journey.

- Informed Decision-Making: Cosmetic surgery is a significant decision. The questionnaire encourages thoughtful contemplation and informed decision-making, helping you ensure that the procedure aligns with your personal goals and values.

Disclaimer: It's important to note that Wings Wellness is not a medical or psychotherapy office. The link to the Cosmetic Surgery Readiness Assessment provided here is for self-reflection purposes only. Several studies have shown that individuals who consult with mental health professionals before undergoing cosmetic surgery tend to have more positive outcomes.

The Psychological Aspects of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery encompasses more than just physical changes; it touches on emotional and psychological aspects as well. Below are anonymized stories of individuals who have undergone these transformative experiences, along with recommendations for books on this topic.

1. A Matter of Perspective

Sarah's story is one example of how cosmetic surgery can have a profound impact on one's self-esteem. She opted for rhinoplasty due to her perceived prominent nose. After the surgery, Sarah's self-esteem soared, demonstrating that sometimes the greatest change is in how we perceive ourselves.

Recommended Book: "Finding Beauty: Think, See and Feel Beautiful"
- Author: Dr. Dennis Schimpf
- This book explores the essence of beauty, emphasizing that it begins from within while acknowledging the role of plastic surgery in enhancing external appearances. It seeks to demystify the field of plastic surgery, emphasizing that true beauty combines inner and outer confidence.

2. The Start of a Journey

Emily's journey showcases how cosmetic surgery can be a steppingstone to holistic transformation. She had suffered physical and psychological pain because of her very large breasts, which began developing when she was ten years old. The unwanted attention and inability to find clothing that fit properly led her to choose breast reduction surgery. Her procedure served as motivation to overhaul her lifestyle. She improved her diet, adopted regular exercise, lost 20 pounds within two months, and began working with a cognitive behavioral therapist.

Recommended Book: "Perfectly Imperfect: Compassionate Strategies to Cultivate a Positive Body Image"
- Author: Amy Harman
- This book provides guidance on embracing your body and cultivating a positive body image, which can be essential for those considering or recovering from cosmetic surgery.

3. The Quest for Perfection

Nyah became fixated on her perceived "hip dips" and underwent three liposuction and fat transfer procedures to her hips to address this concern. Unfortunately, she remained unsatisfied with the results and additional surgery is planned to resolve the ‘issue’.

Recommended Book: "The Body Image Workbook"**
- Author: Thomas F. Cash
- This workbook offers practical exercises and strategies to help individuals navigate body image concerns and foster a healthier self-image.

Navigating the Emotional Terrain

Cosmetic surgery is a deeply personal journey, encompassing both the physical and psychological aspects of self-improvement. It's essential to approach these procedures with realistic expectations and seek emotional support from mental health professionals or discuss your plans with your primary care doctor when necessary. Understanding the "Plastic Surgery Blues" and the complex emotions that can arise is a vital part of this journey.

If you or someone you know is contemplating cosmetic surgery or experiencing emotional challenges related to previous procedures, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. They can provide specialized support tailored to your emotional needs.

At Wings Wellness, we offer a range of services, such as massage therapy, manual lymph drainage, mindfulness training, and bodywork services, to complement your journey. While we cannot provide psychological support, we are here to support you through our expertise in the services we do offer. Remember, your well-being and happiness should always be top priorities throughout your cosmetic surgery journey.

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